Monday, August 17, 2015


Milla was so good getting out the door. After pizza dinner and a quick offer of warm milk in a bottle, we were into the car instead of off to bed.

Queuing at the dock she was calm and sweet, singing occasionally and pointing out the seagulls. Into our room and the lights of the coast, something about the view, filled her with excitement. She marched around the tiny room and carried on happily.

Anyhow, it wasn't a terrifically restful night. Milla woke around 3am and after a good while of wailing, I lay with her. She in the cot on the floor, me naked, half in, half out. She was chatting and singing and called to Charlie a few times. We eventually slept, Charlie put the doona over me.

Then it was all hustle as we slept in. Milla had to be roused.

Sleeping on her side on the big boat.

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